The calendar officially turned to fall, and the weather wasn’t far behind. This time of year we start craving the comforting flavors of the season, so as you transition your menu to your favorite autumn dishes, we’d like to reintroduce you to one of our favorites. Our Redhook Beer Bratwurst are the freshest you’ll find, […]
Celebrate National Bratwurst Day with These Simple Tips
National Bratwurst Day is coming up on August 16th, and we think that’s a holiday worth celebrating. Here are some tips on how to do it up right. Serve Fletcher’s Redhook Beer Bratwurst Everyone knows that the best way to cook brats is to boil them in beer before grilling. Even people that don’t love […]
Twelve Rustic Campfire Recipes You’ll Love
Are you heading out on a camping trip this summer? Few things are as fun as making old-fashioned campfire food, and Fletcher’s wants to be part of your summer adventure! Our bacon and sausage will help any day in the great outdoors start off right, while our Fresh Redhook Beer Bratwursts or our Seattle Mariners […]
Three Ways to Grill Hot Dogs
Who doesn’t love a good hot dog in the summer? We sure do. There’s nothing like an Old Fashioned Frank or a Seattle Mariners Dog on the grill, but we’ve got some ideas on how to make them even better. With just a few slices of the knife, you can take your dogs from drab […]
What to Grill this Labor Day Weekend
Labor Day is the unofficial end of summer (although nobody seems to have told Mother Nature, with the fantastic warm weather we’ve been having here in the Northwest) so why not give summer a proper send-off this weekend with some delicious grilled Fletcher’s meats. Here is some recipe inspiration: Sweet-Spicy Grilled Bacon It’s true – […]